
Reppin' all industries with personalized, custom apparel and accessories.

Browse our product examples for ideas on your own customized apparel. If you already have a rad idea that you’d love to create, we can help you customize your ideas and bring out your creativity - just contact us to get a quote.


Meet the Team

Kacie Cornelius, Co-Founder & Co-Owner

Kacie-CorneliusI’ve successfully owned and operated my own business for 6 years in the salon industry. God has other plans for me and has lead me to a new path, a new industry, a new way to express my passions. My goal is to push my skills to new limits, never settling for less. I believe in following those paths you subconsciously dream about, and trusting your instincts to the fullest! Taking risks and making things happen to get what you want in life and just going with it is what I’m about. Life’s too dope to pass the time on the "what if’s"! 

Creativity comes in many forms. I want to help you Rep the things you love the most! As a Loud Proud BMX Mom, I wanted to be able to create things that would let people know what rider I was Reppin’! That ignited a new passion in me that I could not ignore.

“Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it” -Unknown


Amie Bartel, Co-Founder & Co-Owner


My name is Amie Bartel and I am the other half of Reppin’ Industries. I’m a wife, and mom of three boys. I graduated from the Art Institute with a degree in Graphic Design. My passion is art and design and I’ve been working in that field for about 8 years now. I’m also passionate about my family and spending time with them doing what we do best, BMX!